Wheel Throwing Class

Beginners welcome! These classes start where you are and take you where you want to go. Learn to strengthen your techniques in wheel–thrown pottery, glazing, surface decoration and design. Ages 18+. $295

Sundays with Lee Baker
March 2 - April 13
9am - 12pm

Mondays with Kris Ekstrand
March 3 - April 14
9:30am - 12:30pm    

Mondays with Ingrid Gitnick
March 3 - April 14
6 - 9pm       

Tuesdays with Kris Ekstrand
March 4 - April 15
6 - 9pm      

Wednesdays with Mary Sweeney
March 5 - April 16
9:30am - 12:30pm  

Thursdays with Joe Carter
March 6 - April 17

Beyond the Basics

This class is designed for advanced beginners and intermediate potters. Class instruction covers basics and more advanced forms and techniques, previous throwing experience is a prerequisite. Students are encouraged to come to class with projects and techniques in which they seek assistance and/or want to see demonstrated. Ages 18+. $295

Wednesdays with Mike Sullivan
March 5 - April 16
6 - 9pm         


Discover the endless possibilities of hand building. Learn to make nearly anything you want using just your hands and basic tools. Explore functional pottery (including objects out of the round), sculpture and tiles. Ages 18+. $295

Mondays with Kris Ekstrand
March 3 - April 14
1:30 - 4:30pm  
(Students with previous experience on the wheel are welcome to attend this class and get limited help with wheel throwing skills)

Thursdays with Mike Sullivan and Abby Dreyer

March 6 - April 17
12:30 - 3:30pm

Thursdays with Nicole Galipeau
March 6 - April 17
6 - 9pm


Figurative Sculpture

Come explore form, construction and surface treatment of clay sculpture. Whether you have ideas of pieces to build or you simply come to see what happens when playing with clay, learn to build solid, pinching, coiling, or with slabs. Explore hot and cold finishes like traditional glaze and washes and cold finishes like milk and acrylic paint. Experimentation is encouraged. All levels welcome. Ages 18+. $295

Wednesdays with Hasso Ewing
March 5 - April 16
1 - 4pm